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Owls ( 2 of 2 )

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Owls ( 2 of 2 )

tags: owl

handout id: 3284
short name: Owls ( 2 of 2 )
nutshell: Owls

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Wording of this Handout:

Owls also have soft edges on their wings. This means they can fly very quietly, so the little animals they hunt for can't hear them coming.

Owls can perch on a branch and look in almost a complete circle without turning their body. This means they can spy for food without making a noise.

Owls (like most birds) have several different kinds of feather. They have large feathers for their wings, and downy feathers for closer to their body to help keep the warmth in, and body feathers which cover most of their body over the downy feathers.

Owls also have very large claws on their feet. They use these claws to hold what they catch, so it can't get away.

Owls are very well designed.
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