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Language Facts

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Language Facts

tags: language

handout id: 3607
short name: Language Facts
nutshell: Languages

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Wording of this Handout:

* The most used language in the world is Chinese, and the second most used language is English. After that comes Hindi, Russian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Arabic and then Bengali.

* Every one of these languages is very different from all the others.

* If you learn one language, it doesn't make it much easier to learn another language because every language is so different from the next.

* There are more than 250,000 words in the English language.

* Most people know less than 10% of the words in their own language.

* The Japanese typewriter needs 2000 characters but an English typewriter needs only 50 keys.

* The Chinese spoken language is made of so many different types of Chinese, no Chinese person can understand the speech of all other Chinese persons.

* The Romans invented and used shorthand.

Imagine that you could make a machine as intelligent as a person.

Now imagine you could make that machine so clever that it could make another machine just like itself, only much smaller.

Imagine that the small machine could eat, and sleep, and play, and grow, and become the same size as the machine it came from.

Imagine that the second machine could also make a small copy of itself.

And imagine that while all these machines were busy doing all these things that they could repair themselves, talk, learn, drive cars, play sport, read books, and paint pictures.

Impossible? Not really.
God has already done this, when He made you and me!
Only we are far better - than machines - we are alive!
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