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Lawn Moa

Sunday School Activity Sheet: Lawn Moa

tags: humor, jokes

handout id: 4104
short name: Lawn Moa
nutshell: Joke page.

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Wording of this Handout:

A Moa. A Lawn Moa. A Motor Moa.

"I was going to take over the world...But I couldn't think of anything to do with it!"

Down with gravity!


A helpful diagram:

The middle of the top of the side.

The top of the top of the top of the top of the top.

The top.

The middle of the top of the middle.

The bottom of the middle.

The middle of the bottom.


"Clean your face-you little grub!" "Sorry, Mum!"

People who smoke are real suckers.

"Chirp! Hey-I can do bird sounds!"

"This is a speech bubble."

The Teletubs. The telesinks.

"Don't you humans know how to hold a normal conversation?"

"Now where did I put that book?"

Roses are red, violets are pink, excuse me for saying this...but I think you.....

A Bumble bee. A Bomble bee.

When a big horse has a cold it becomes a little hoarse!

Draw something here.

Mum-our cat is on the T.V.!!

Today's challenge: Count the hairs on your nose.

What a corny joke!
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