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Poems by Dave Mudford

poem count: 204 | pages: 23 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 31 times
Contrast of Two Hope’s
This poem explores and contrasts 2 types of hope - The hope that the world has which is based on wishful thinking (first 2 stanza's) and hope that a Christian has which is based on the promises of God which are certain and sure! (last 2 stanza's)

Exhausting Ways
We often exhaust ourselves through effort, stress and worry. Instead, may we exhaust self in prayer!

Found by Grace
Time to stop our fighting to embrace God's grace.

Boxing Day Blues
Easy to get the boxing day blues - yet there is an answer to our dismay.

All for His Glory
We go through different seasons and experiences. Through them all we need to give God the glory. Our lives were created so that we can declare the glory of our gracious Lord! Time for us to surrender our stories to His glory.

Just Like... Him
we are like a lot of things.. Jesus came to be like us in every way except without sin. He became like us, so we could become like Him... Knowing the love and favor of the Father and living in His light forever!

Rose of Delight finalist in poetry contest
Our perspective changes through experiencing the grace and love of God. This poem shows the contrast between knowing (stanza 3) and not knowing (stanza 1) hope's delight.

Mourning's Gift
Sometimes we need to mourn - the perspective gained can often bring healing and teach us what is really important.

Beneath the Floorboards
What do you have hidden? Read only if you want to go deep to see what's really there!