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Poems by Dave Mudford

poem count: 205 | pages: 23 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 32 times
Beneath the Floorboards
What do you have hidden? Read only if you want to go deep to see what's really there!

From the Cradle to the Cross
The real meaning of Christmas examined. From the cradle to the cross - even then the story does not end!

Home Where I belong
A poem written to the photo prompt of a beautiful sunset with a broken windmill and old telephone wires in the foreground on a dry landscape. Sometimes we only see the broken and dryness and fail to lift our eyes to see the beauty God has created.

Healing Deep
Time may deaden pain, numb our senses - time will tend to bury our hurts. Time alone is not the great healer as some may claim, Jesus Christ is!

Shadows Rising
Step into the light, found in His grace.

My True Neighbor
Who is your stranger?

Thankful for Your Tears
A friend was asked to pray at a funeral which was a result of a suicide. He cried all the way through the prayer. Afterwards the Dad of the man who died came up to him and gave him a hug and said "Thank you for your tears". Sometimes words are not enough

All in the Blood
This poem was written in a waiting room while waiting to have a blood test.

Guilty No More
The old life has passed - the new has come!