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It Begins at Jesus' Feet

by Robert Hedrick

Another day and another victory, as
Satan has met defeat,
Just as it happened each time before,
it came at Jesus's Feet.
As a lost soul made the decision to
make their life complete,
Seeking forgiveness of sin through
the blood at Jesus' Feet.

This is the only way to heaven, yet
no doubt others are tried,
But sadly, as these attempt to enter
in, they will be denied.
Likely reminded of this truth there
at the judgement seat,
While on earth, they refused to seek
salvation at Jesus' Feet.

It's from the Feet of Jesus and on to
God we're able to commune,
Then He'll hear our prayers anytime,
morning, night or noon.
For the finished works of His Son has
erased each sin on our sheet,
Then the doors of hell were closed as
we yielded at Jesus' Feet.

With our heavenly future secured and
time remaining on earth,
Let us be busy doing our best to lead
others to a second birth.
Then whenever God is ready, we'll walk
down the golden street,
Shouting and singing, as we cast our
crowns at Jesus' Feet.

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