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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
Righteous Is Godly
In the attempt to serve God, as we do things to honor Him, we need to be righteous.

The Best Is Yet To Come
When we serve Satan and wallow in the sins that he provides, we have a future that is worse than anything we can imagine. Then, if turn to Jesus and invite Him into our lives, the future changes and the best is yet to come.

Farewell Old Man
Before salvation, there was an old man living within, leading me on the paths of destruction. Then Jesus saved me and ever since that time, there has been a new man living within.

One Light, Jesus
W observe the colorful lights that come out at Christmas time as they seem to bring out a special time of celebration., However we need to remember that The True Light is the One whose birthday we celebrate.

Friend, With Jesus There's No End
Sin is controlled by Satan and when it has control of our lives, we can reap much sorrow and shame and eventually a horrible fate as we enter into eternity.

In The Beginning God
God spoke and His creation begin to appear and He provided man a book to inform him of the things God would allow to happen down through the times!

It Was The Day Before Christmas
The greatest birth on earth!

Truth is, only God has complete control of life. Only God, through Jesus, can offer the sin forgiveness that puts us on the path to heaven! Hallelujah. on the path to heaven.

Triumph Over Trouble
Troubles come through our life time and they can be expected. Knowing The One to call on gives the peace needed to overcome these and cause our relationship with God to grow.