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In My Neighbor's Eyes

by Robert Hedrick

If I were my neighbor, what type of neighbor would I see in me,
One that I hardly knew at all or one who stopped by regularly.
When a neighbor's needed, is this the one on whom I could call,
Or would he just turn his back, not acknowledging my call at all.

If I were injured or became ill and was unable to mow my grass,
Would I see this neighbor out there mowing, even before I ask.
Then, later, would he come back by, seeking to do another chore,
Or just become scarce until I was well and not see him anymore.

Would I see him as a loving husband, a good helpmate to his wife,
Or someone who is selfish and lazy, with signs of anger and strife.
Would I see in him a caring father, a devoted type of family man,
One who provides quite well for them, giving the best that he can.

Seeing myself in my neighbor's eyes, am I pleased in all that I see,
Or would I be totally shocked, hanging my head rather shamefully.
When I'm outside, as things go wrong and my temper begins to soar,
I'll try to remember the world is watching and it all begins next door.

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