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We sorted through the poems and listed here what we felt were the better ones.
THE SENSE IN LOVE first in poetry contest
Gods does not define love the way most men do

THE ROAD AHEAD finalist in poetry contest
A poem about the Christian race to achieve him purpose

A prophetic warning for the church today

Not Be Dull
Do not be dull

The Devil: His Deceit, Designs, and Destiny finalist in poetry contest
This is a poem about public enemy number one - the Devil. As Christians we know that our spiritual enemy is real, that he is powerful (though not all powerful), and that he is very deceitful. We also know that He is defeated and ultimately doomed.

His Touching Hand
The wonder of God's touch is everywhere, and then He touched me.

I Smile
Beauty in my higher power. I smile as I grow. God is pleased.

Divine ways
Seeking God, not just answers, we find,In countless ways, His love, divine.

A View from the Empty Tomb
This is a poem about the hope that comes from the Empty Tomb. It plays off of the paradox of that which is empty giving us fullness of hope. My prayer is that it will be inspirational for someone as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

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