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Inspirational Poems

Who's Leading the Way finalist in poetry contest
Who is leading the way in your life - you or God?

Puzzle Pieces
Our lives are like puzzle pieces filled with a variety of brilliant, dark, pastel, and faded colors that all fit together in a Master Puzzle - only the Lord knows where each piece fits in His Master Plan - He knows and sees all, and what is to come.

Stand Strong! Prove You Belong!
A Poem of encouragement to trust God is every situation.

Through the Eyes of God
When we set our eyes upon the Lord we are blessed and able to see the world through the eyes of God.

A Mother's Love
A mother's love is unconditional, and gives unselfishly to protect, guide, discipline, and hug her dear ones. Mothers are precious gifts from God, sent to love and care for each one of us.

A Prisoner for the Lord
We are all called by God to live a worthy life and to humbly serve Him - our God who is loving, merciful, forgiving, wise beyond all measure, and almighty . . .what a Mighty God we serve.

Keep Yourself in the Love of God
Pray with fervor and trust the Lord with all your heart, while patiently waiting upon Him to lead you and keep you within His boundaries, so you may dwell with Him for eternity.

I Journeyed on a Lovely Path
The Lord blesses us in so many ways, and when we are receptive to Him our eyes, ears, hearts, spirits and souls are open to experience these blessings.

Running Away
Do you run from the past and things you regret? Please know you are forgiven - your sins have been washed away forever.

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