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Poems by Clinton Herring

poem count: 81 | pages: 9 | first place: 1 time | second place: 3 times | finalist: 41 times
Child by Faith finalist in poetry contest
The reward for believing in Jesus and the work He did for us.

Reach Out
What God did for us through Jesus, we must reach out and take hold of.

My Plight - His Work
Again, His work that heals me.

To Praise Him
Some reasons why I praise the Lord

Take Shelter finalist in poetry contest
A warning to take shelter in Jesus before the wrath of the Father comes against sin

Carried Home
How we are found by the Lord and carried home to Heaven on His broad shoulders

Blessed Forever
Declared wonders of God toward me.

Just Hear
Urging others who don't know Jesus to except Him into their life.

Enheartened Words
How the promises in God's word keep refreshing our joy in Him.