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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
He Will Fulfill
A poem with bible verses that tell of God's love for each of us and the rewards He has for all who trust and obey Him.

The Times Time Will Tell
There are times when the truth does not come out right away, but in most cases time will tell.

Looking Down to Look Up second in poetry contest
There are times when we who are Christians, look the other way and fail to see what God has for us to do.

As Faith Grows
As faith grows, love grows and where love grows, God goes.

Life's Greatest Moment second in poetry contest
The greatest moment any life can have is when Jesus is accepted into it. A new lifebegins as the old has passed.

The Door To Jesus
Many times in life we will walk through the door that Satan opens, for he makes it inviting and tempting. Yet Jesus said that there is one He will open if we will knock. The choice is ours.

My Peace Provider
Through my relationship with Jesus Christ my Savior, I can always find peace in any situation I may be in.

Yes, Jesus finalist in poetry contest
While we have been given the abilities to do many things in this life, it is the hand of Jesus that will take us far beyond our capabilities.

Storing God's Word
When a person becomes a Christian, the more of God's Word they get into their hearts and minds, the better the soul winning will be.