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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
Getting There
Most of those little things in life doesn't mean a lot. It's what we do in our relationship with God that strengthens our testimony.

The Paradise Path
God gives everyone a choice of whom they will serve. It will either be Him or Satan. There are two paths we can follow. One leads to paradise, the other to hell.

God Is Able
God's promise is that He will take care of all who trust and have faith in Him. I learn daily that this is a fact.

A Life Changing Journey
Only Jesus can change a life to make it what God would have it be, just as He did with The Apostle Paul.

Daily Sunshine
Not every day brings sunshine in our lives for some bring problems and heartaches. Yet our faith can become stronger on any day.

A Final Farewell
Even though we are saved, we deal with Satan daily. However there is coming a time when we can bid him farewell forever.

As The New Year Disappears
As we celebrate the upcoming New Years' Day, there's a thought to keep in mind. This is, it may not be around for 365 days.Jesus may return before it is complete.

Follow The Leader
As we witness to the lost, we should have an ample supply of scripture to explain what God requires to be saved.

The Last Season
This poem attempts to describe the four seasons that God has put into existence and providing beauty beauty comes from each one.