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Poems by Robert Hedrick

poem count: 162 | pages: 18 | second place: 4 times | finalist: 14 times
An Inside Look
When Jesus, The True Light , came into my heart, life became so much brighter.

Reality Reigns
In a world filled with fantasy that comes from so many sources, sometimes I'm afraid that reality is put aside and the make believe becomes all too real. However, when we stand before our Judge, more than at any time in the past, reality will reign.

My Safe Place
I am thankful that I have a safe place to worship and praise God with other believers as we join together in one accord to serve Him.

Lets Just Say
More than likely there are many people who have heard that Jesus will return some day, yet they have not prepared for this event. The time for them to prepare is now as my poem attempts to say..

A Heaven Bound Possession
While we can gather many possessions in this life, there will be only one of value that we can take with us into eternity and this is salvation..

The In Between
All life has a beginning and an end,. It is those things that happen in between making a difference for eternity.

The Battle Will Be Won
Throughout my lifetime there have been wars and conflicts between America and other countries. Peace came for a while, then more fighting, Someday, however, there will be a final one, just before Jesus returns.

It's A Shame second in poetry contest
There are times when I tend to brag a little and know that I have not right to do so, for God deserves all of the credit, not me, Then too, I complain some and this is uncalled for. I am too well blessed to complain about things.

Hold On Tight
A poem saying that if are in a relationship with Jesus, then hold on tight for Satan will be doing his very best to get your attention.