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Blossoming Brightness finalist in poetry contest
A poem about finding forgiveness

The Sea
Poem likening the sea to finding hidden depths in God.

Burning Hearts (Luke 24 v 13-35)
Poem concerning Jesus meeting the two people on the Emmaus road.

Glory (1 Corinthians 1 v 26-31)
Putting 1 Corinthians 1 into poetic form.

New City finalist in poetry contest
A poem about the New Jerusalem.

A poem about Jerusalem as the Holy City.

Greater than Angels (Hebrews Chapter 1)
Poetising Hebrews Chapter 1 showing the greatness of Christ.

Together, Yet Alone first in poetry contest
Screens are both a blessing and a curse. Which is determined by the user.

A poem explaining the difference between the rigidity of traditions, and serving Jesus.

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