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Poems About Spiritual Growth

Empty me of me
A poem of surrender and submission to God

The poem examines three of the problems that apply to men (and of course to women also). It is a challenging poem. I hope it will be instructive. There are 9 poems in the series and this is the first one. It covers three attitudes that need to be watched

Let Not
Be strong in the Lord

Atop A Silly Post
We have two major decisions to face in life...

Thou Little One
We must learn to embrace the process of spiritual growth, knowing that it takes time and diligence and that nobody becomes a mature Christian overnight.

God's Heart
The Bible calls David “a man after God's own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14). Mediating on this verse I put together a few requirements are still in God's heart, and which He requires from His children. today.

Bowing To God
I wrote this poem about the strength I gain from bowing to God alone.

Into Wine
In this poem/prayer, I am asking Jesus to change me and my life into something wonderful, like he changed the water into wine (John 2:1-11).

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