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Grace Unbound

by Bose V © 2024

In the quiet whispers of dawn's first light,
Where shadows fade and hope takes flight,
There lies a tale of grace untold,
In hearts of humble, in stories bold.

Not in the halls of fame they dwell,
But in forgotten corners where souls swell,
A widow's mite, a beggar's plea,
Grace finds them all, sets them free.

In the touch of a woman, with issue of blood,
Twelve years of suffering, misunderstood,
Yet with one touch, her faith profound,
She found healing in grace unbound.

Or in the cry of a leper, cast aside,
By society's scorn, by fear denied,
Yet Jesus touched him, his healing found,
In the embrace of grace unbound.

From the depths of despair, from the brink of despair,
Grace reaches out, it's always there,
In every tear, in every sigh,
Grace whispers hope, it never says goodbye.

So let us embrace this gift divine,
Let grace upon grace in our hearts shine,
For in its boundless, endless sea,
We find our home, we find our plea.

In the stories untold, in the hearts unseen,
God's grace abounds, like a living stream,
In every soul, in every sound,
We find redemption in grace unbound.

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