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The Holy Potluck

by Connie K Cameron

Hey, lets have a potluck
Tell all of your good friends
Invite your mom and sister
Please stay until the end

Come see this guy who's talking
About some fishy things
Like love and peace and patience
But true, His story rings

Fill up on all his good food
Your kids are welcome too
Take a seat on the grass
He's all the rage, He's new

Your stomach He will satisfy
Your pocket book won't ache
Plus I get this feeling
It's all for our own sake

Please just take some time
And listen to His pitch
I heard the blind are seeing
Wow, He must be getting rich

I think I might just follow Him
He's asked me to go along
My heart feels somewhat different
Is He ending with a song?

Today I start a new life
With Jesus by my side
We'll walk and spread the Gospel
And in me, God abides

It might sound kind of strange
To give to God your heart
But dying now is living
And ending brings a brand new start

This poem was a finalist in the March 2014 poetry contest

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