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How God Must Feel

by Lona Robinson

Today I got a small glimpse at how God must feel,
His disappointment, the hurt from us, for which He must deal.

My fellow Christians toward me neglected to act,
According to the laws of God's contract.

My heart was broken by their careless ways,
Turned my world upside down, what a TERRIBLE haze.

They did not know nor did they intend,
I just expected more from a Christian friend.

Today I got a small glimpse at how God must feel,
When His children don't act as His word does appeal.

If a handful of people can make me hurt this way,
How God must feel with so many astray.

Oh how His heart must break each and every day,
As His children turn from His teachings, and continue to stray.

No one is perfect, this I understand,
That's why we must try harder, and think, beforehand.

Today I got a small glimpse at how God must feel,
And I am sorry I have personally put Him through such an ordeal.

To break His heart I do not wish to contribute,
Please help me to live better and make my life for Him a tribute.

Because of our actions, how to others we seem to portray,
How terrible the pain He must feel, as His heart we do slay.

I think we are as guilty as the ones that nailed Him to the cross,
Just think in His eyes how we must come across.

People straying from His teachings, not living His plan,
Is really, after all, how the crucifixion began.

Today I got a glimpse of how God must feel,
I beg His forgiveness, as on my knees I do kneel.

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