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Limitless Love

by Millie Hughes

Again and again with joy
I open the blessed book
And read of the young boy
Teaching in the temple nook.

Illustrating love and peace
To a world of hurt and pain
"Come to my Father please;
This world yields no gain."

The lad grew to be a man
Traveling, telling good news
Stories of God's perfect plan
Forgiveness if you choose.

Why did men hurt Him so -
Persecute, whip, and kill -
The Holy One who came to show
Men could walk with God still

But death wasn't the end
Jesus defeated the grave
A humble Lord born to mend
One who bows to heal and save

He is alive even this day
You can take Him by the hand
Claim His Word,stand and say
I'll go to the Promised Land!

"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee." Psalm 119:11

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