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A Day of Grace

by Ed Pennewell

Through the night, the earth rested silent and still,
The last rays of the sun touching blood drops on a hill.
Casting shadows of the post still standing tall,
The last solumn marker of a man that gave His all.

Though silent in His trial as He spoke not a word,
Upon the cross He prayed not for relief that any heard.
Accepting the trials for those blessings gained,
For man a way to the Father once more,
Through His great love and heart felt pain.

His body bared for all to see, a final act for man to mock,
Their laughter with out fear, as His life blood fell in drops,
His life the sacrifice for man, both future and past,
And it now was done, His life poured out to the last.
With scared hands, torn flesh, a crown of twisted thorns,
Where was the fanfare of kings, trumpets and blowing horns.

His torn body still hanging in the gathering winds,
As darkeness of the sky as the clouds moved in.
The sun gave not its light, and the earth shook in fear,
Those gathered to guard Him, pierced His side with a spear.
Stony ground was broken open, the temple veil was torn,
That the day of a great King, as the dead rose up to morn.
The lifeless shell of a body removed, laid in a darkened tomb,
There to wait the Sabbath passed, in a cold and unlit room.

His enemy in a last effort, with guard and stone did seal,
To hold His body in an earthly prison, not hope to reveal.
The heavens sat unmoving, the earth in silence lay,
No herald cried of works done, miracles seen in that day.
The blind whose eyes were opened, saw only the dark of night,
The mute sang no praise, the deft heard not the cries.
In the dawn a new light shined, as the stone was rolled away,
The darkened tomb lay empty, as the KING rose the third day.

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