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The Road To Hope

by Christopher Myrick

I see the most astounding things,
Though it is like it's in between
Brightest stars, and the darkest holes
In between this can take it's toll

If you live you might be impure
Through all that sin there is a cure
Finding the right road may be hard
It may leave you broken, beat, and scarred

The road to hope you may not see
Though just believe and it will be

What Jesus may have suffered through,
And died just to save all of you
All you need to do is ask him
Even though things may look most grim

It will get worse before it eases
Though when it does he always pleases
The worst storms will be yet to come
The hardest road this will become

The road to hope it seems is lost
But don't give up at any cost

The hardest road that you will take
Will be the one that few will make
All the way up, but when it ends
The reward finally begins

Nothing in this life is easing
Though the end will be most pleasing
Never rush it just take your time
When it comes it will be sublime

The road to hope one day you'll see
Will take you there to eternity

Many will take the road of ease
Though only here that road will please
Struggle through trials and do right
Once the fight ends you will take flight

Waiting will be the hardest part
Though keep that light inside your heart
Time will tell on things that will be
Good things will come, just wait and see

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