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by Harry Page © 2007

Don't look at anyone and say how great they are,
Don't look at anyone, that won't get you far,
Only look to Jesus, He will tell you true,
He will guide and strengthen; He will bring you through,
Him and only Him!

Put no one on a pedestal, that would not be right,
They have worries of their own; they can't fight your fight,
Only follow Jesus, He won't lead you wrong,
He will keep you in His love; He will keep you strong,
Keep your eyes on Him!

Don't say that they are better, superior to you,
All you'll find is trouble, and they'll get in a stew,
Only trust in Jesus, and in Him believe,
Follow His way closely, or you'll make Him grieve,
Watch no one else but Him!

People might be better, be older in their trust,
Walking closer to Him, as they know they must,
Only live in Jesus, keep Him in your heart,
Allowing Him to help you, and to do your part,
As He has told them – He tells you too!

So my friend, take counsel, let Jesus be your way,
Let Him work within you, talk to Him each day,
Yes! Be friends with Christians; join with them when you can,
But only trust in Jesus, never follow man,
Ask yourself, what would Jesus do?

He has all the answers; he understands your life,
A friend who'll never leave you, even when there's strife,
Keep Him as your banner; take the love He gives,
Know He's with you always; know your Saviour lives,
He loves – YOU!

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