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by Pearl Pennington Blevins © 1983

Our Dad, a mason by trade
Many a block and brick he laid,
To care for his wife and children of five,
Our memory of him is very much alive.

February 15th. the day of his birth
Seventy-one years he was on this earth.
He labored and toiled with his hands,
But never traveled to distant lands.

He loved to sing the hymns of old,
And lots of his experiences he told.
He was so wise in many ways,
We didn't understand in our younger days.

We still miss him as the days go by
His absence sometimes makes us cry.
To wish him back to what has been,
Would be wrong in this world of sin.

He is in a far better land,
Singing songs with the Angel Band.
Joining family and friends gone on before
Never to labor and toil no more.

Each passing year, for us is very hard,
We cannot send a gift or card,
But cherish all the years we had,
To celebrate your birthday, "DAD".

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