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by Harry Page © 2007

Lord, we all have mutinied; our bridges are all burned,
We've cut the anchor chains to you, away from you we've turned,
Rudderless, we're floating free, with all direction lost,
Sailing down the route to hell, by storm and tempest tossed.

Father, we are all at sea, with no one at the helm,
The waves are climbing higher now, they seek to overwhelm,
No one here to save us Lord, no land can we perceive,
The harbour long is out of sight, no help from there receive.

Lord, we would come back to you, will you guide our barque?
Send us winds more favorable; on us make your mark,
Bring us safe to harbour, and then never to roam,
Safe within your loving arms, there in heaven, your home.

Lord, you are our treasure, you bountifully give,
Eternal life for everyone, through Jesus we will live,
He is to us a precious one, a pearl of value rare,
And we would follow in His way, knowing His love and care.

Father, we'll not mutiny, instead we will obey,
Trust and love you more and more, as we live each day,
But we cannot do this Lord, unless you lend a hand,
Take us on life's voyage Lord, just as you have planned.

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