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by Harry Page © 2007

God didn't say life would be easy, he didn't say that at all,
He said he'd be with us to comfort and bless, whatever life would befall,
I'll never leave you, always be here, I won't forsake you my child,
Whether you're faithful and cling to my way, or if you've gone a bit wild,
I'll always be here - for you!

God didn't say we'd be protected, we must still live where we live,
He didn't tell us that troubles won't come, just that his strength he would give,
You must be strong and courageous each day, those I will give you for sure,
And of my grace and my love, that I will give, into your life I will pour
My Holy Spirit – in bucket loads.

God didn't say that there'll be no illness, not til we all get above,
He told us that we must trust for his caring, his extra portions of love,
Yes, he could heal and take us right through, come down and take every ill,
But would we trust him the same as we do? And is it part of his will?
No gain (heaven) without pain?

God didn't say that we would be lonely, said he'd be with us each day,
Said we could trust him to be here beside us, walking with us in the way,
God said that he would be here in his Spirit, living with us in our heart,
And in our fight with the devil each day, God said he would take our part,
Remember - I will never leave you or forsake you!

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