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That Wondrous Night

by Damal © 1985

Two little boys who sat side by side,
Going for an evening ride;
Into the city to see all the things,
That only Christmas time can bring.

So much excitement- so much to see!
Just two little boys- him and me.
I remember it all- I remember it clear,
I remember it with a heartfelt tear.

I remember the bells and all the lights,
It was such a special night.
Oh! Look at the train! The bike! The bat!
And trying to see where Santa was at.

There was so much to see; more than my eyes could behold,
Much more excitement than can ever be told.
I looked to my friend to see if he saw this, too!
But he had found something totally new!

Again this year, just as before,
The nativity scene was set on the floor.
Everything seemed to be in the right place,
Except the look upon my friends face!

He began a story of a little boy,
He told it all with such a joy!
How this little boy was born,
And the strips of cloth that He had worn.

How He grew up knowing He had to die,
And at that moment I began to cry.
But the look on my friends face made me understand,
This little Jesus wasn't just a man.

My friend said, "Please, don't be sad!
He only went to be with His Dad!"
This is a special time- a time for joy!
To celebrate the birth of a 'special' boy!

Now when CHRISTmas rolls around,
Only tears of joy can be found!
I pray you'll find those tears of joy,
As you celebrate with us the birth of this boy!

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