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No Secret Sins

by Margaret Cagle

Behind tightly closed doors,
Many secrets we can hold,
But God knows every secret,
Though no person has been told.

We can keep a secret sin
Hidden from every mortal man.
You say, "No can can ever know,"
But you can be sure, God can.

To almighty God, one's life
Is really a wide open book.
No person can look inside,
But all-seeing God can look.

Your sin will find you out.
It is written in God's Word.
God knows all those secrets
That no one else has heard.

We can have our sins forgiven.
God has provided the only way.
He sent His Son to die for us,
And He arose on the third day.

Accept Jesus as your Savior.
Your sins, God will forgive,
And when it's your time to die,
In Heaven, your soul will live.

Numbers 32:23B, "And be sure your sin will find you out."

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