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by Marie Arnold

The missionaries leave their home
Their family, friends and all,
To travel far across the seas
In answer to God's call.

They learn the language of the land
In order for to go,
And tell the natives of our God
Who cares and loves them so.

The natives in those foreign lands
To idols they all go,
But idols neither hear nor speak
The Bible tells us so.

So the mission of our people here
Is to take the holy word,
Of salvation from a living God
To those who never heard.

And we at home can do our part
As daily we do pray,
For God to keep them free from harm
While they are far away.

But lets not forget our missionaries
That work for God at home,
To show God's love to many
Who feel lost and all alone.

So let us all just do our part
For our missionaries dear,
Whether they be far away
Or whether they be near.

We'll pray for God to guide them
As they teach His word so true,
And support them with our pledges
As His work they gladly do.

This poem won second place for the July 2007 poetry contest

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