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Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed

by Royston

Get up, go to work, go home, go to bed.
Surely my life's worth more than this I said?
Working very hard and late ev'ry day
to earn enough money my debts to pay.

Life must consist of so much more than this.
Someone please tell me what the purpose is!
Is there anyone who can please tell me
what I must do in order to be free?

Then, I heard the Lord Jesus say to me.
"You can have life much more abundantly.
For I'm the door and if you enter in
then your brand new life with Me will begin."

"For all things of earth will just pass away
but the life that I give is here to stay."
So I turned around and I followed Him
and my life's no longer looking so grim.

I still have to work hard to earn my pay
but with Jesus there's purpose in each day,
What's more the future's certain and secure
with Jesus in His kingdom for evermore.

John 10:10

This poem won second place for the September 2014 poetry contest

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