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Forty Days

by Steve Gracie © 2007

Forty days, Nineveh, A warning to repent
Forty days, an option, Salvation or hell bent

Forty days, Noah, blameless among men
Forty days, cleansing, time to begin again

Forty days, Moses, in the presence of the Lord
Forty days, receiving, a covenant with God

Forty days, Caleb, in the land of Canaanites
Forty days, exploring, God's got nothing to hide

Forty days, fearing, Goliath blocks our path
Forty days, receiving, Gods strength to surpass

Forty days, Elijah, heard the voice of God
Forty days, Gods nature, a whisper on the wind

Forty days, fasting, lead by the Spirit
Forty days, temptation, a mission preparation

Forty days, risen, resurrection verified
Forty days, encouragement, baptizing tongues of fire

Forty Days opportunity, Jesus waits for you
Forty days, deliverance, mind and body renewed.

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