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by Anthony Paul Curtis

Believing in God is not always easy,
sometimes our belief is downright queasy.
How many times have we lost our faith
when things have gone wrong or we're in disgrace
or a loved one has died
and we've desperately cried:
Why, Lord? Why?

To mould a belief takes years of time
but sometimes in life there's no reason or rhyme
and the ways of the world can shatter our dreams
and make but little of our well thought out schemes.

Believing in God needs strength of mind
a quality not always easy to find
but sometimes our weakness can strengthen our love
for God and Love fit like hand in glove.

I am not clever, I do not know
God's purpose for us who live here below
but He exists, I am certain of that...
So I'll hold on to my faith and try to be true
and pray that the Lord will carry me through.

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