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Bethlehem?s Night Before Christmas

by Richard Bester © 2003

Twas the night before Christmas,
in Bethlehem we were,
keeping watch o'er the flock
so that nothing could stir.

My servant was sleeping as I stood on watch,
for rustlers and thieves could always be caught.

When all of a sudden,
a light came shining down,
and came to a rest upon this very town.

Along with it came a celestial vision.
I fell to my knees and gave much attention.

By this time, my servant had risen to his feet,
and on seeing this sight,
he fell down like me.

Then, a voice came forth
and harkened us all,
and even those not with us,
well they heard the call.

But he said, "Do not fear,
for I bring wondrous news."
and the words that he gave
brought a whole different view.

"The child of God
has been brought unto you,
and is in the nearby stable,
where the light shines anew."

He told us to go forth
and see this new child,
"And take your flock with you,
for you will be a while."

And, at this, He vanished,
but sang loud with the rest,
"Peace on Earth for all,
and Good tidings to all of us."

Merry Christmas,
and May God Bless us, Everyone.

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