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My Quiet Time

by Colan Hiatt

Sometimes it seems, life has tossed
So many "things", within my view
A multitude of issues, I must face
How can so many, I sieve through

The hustle of today's routine
Tax the spirit, and bombard the mind
Often I find myself longing for
A solution that will help, me unwind

Yesterday, merely demanded less
When a simple life we knew
Increased knowledge, has it's price
Stress and anxiety, to name a few

Benefits, I don't intend to denounce
Many problems have been solved
But amid it all, we need "quiet time"
Where affairs of life, can be resolved

When the greatest stress came His way
Our Savior, retreated to a quiet spot
Solitary communion, with the Father
Trivial issues, were rendered nought

I enjoy camaraderie, with my friends
Burdens and victory's we can share
But the greatest joy I've ever known
Is my "quiet time", with Him in prayer

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