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Sinners Prayer

by L Thomas © 2008

She sits and ponders
How did it come to this?
Alone she wonders,
Love use to be so bliss.
Never before so complicated
Maybe it was over-rated
Thought I was right but why am I hated
My heart is gone
My future unknown
I've lived, loved and cried
Why are my hands still tied
If I could let go
Of all this pain
Let it rain and wash away the mess I'm in
This is what happens when you dabble in sin
It steals your love, your joy and brings pain.
Then why do I do it again and again.
I look up from this place
I must make it through
Father help me not to keep hurting you
Letting you down and wasting precious time
Depending on flesh should be a capitol crime.
Renew my faith and bring my heart back to you
And let us move forward to do what you'd have me to. Amen

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