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by edward potts

Don't let your age worry you,
Before you bid this world adieu,
You can do lots before you go,
Many people are hurting don't you know.

Some may be reaching the end of life,
A life full of troubles and strife,
Look at their face, it says "Help me.
My heart is so heavy. it may cease."

Some are veterans who lost a limb,
Did you stop and give thanks to them?
They gave all, their youth was gone,
Now they feel lost and so all alone.

Some are senior citizens you will see.
They seem so helpless and lonely to me,
They move slow as they pass your way,
Pray for them, you'll be old someday.

There's lots of things you can do.
But each one depends entirely on you,
Each smile you give as they go pass,
May be the one, it may be their last.

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