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by edward potts

God's building a place in heaven for me,
His grace and mercy has set my soul free,
His Son on the cross paid for my sins,
Now I have forgiveness and peace within.

God's building a mansion up there for me,
That man on the cross made satan flee,
An empty tomb and His Son that lives,
Sits on a throne, eternity life He gives.

God is saving mansions, one is for me,
Because of blood dripped from a tree,
It saved you and me. all the human race,
That believes the Son, we'll see His face

God's building a place for all who takes,
A Lamb that was slain, promises He makes,
When angels come for us, we will all fly,
And live forever in our homes in the sky.

Lord, thanks, for a great place of rest,
For all believers we'll forever be blest,
God waits patiently, heart full of love,
To welcome His children to heaven above.

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