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Colossians 2:11-23: Jesus is Superior to Legalism

by George Cuff © 2016

Circumcision was the rite designed to show deference to God;
A people whose lives would demonstrate that obedience is not odd.
But as so happens in this world, they failed to see the best part.
God didn't want their outward devotion; He wanted their whole heart.

Circumcision of the flesh became obedience because it's required,
But one is not saved by his churchy works or singing in the choir.
God doesn't need a bodily scar in order to save your soul;
He wants you to place your faith in Christ, live in His control.

Before salvation you were dead in all of your sin and shame.
But Jesus made you alive with Him, conveyed to His domain.
The sinless Son, the Lamb of God, restored your eternal loss;
He took the certificate of your sin and nailed it to the cross.

The armies of hell who thought they had won writhed in agony;
In their scheming to murder the Son, His triumph was unforeseen.
Jesus destroyed the power of sin by rising from the dead
Proving to the spiritual world He is forever the head.

So do not yield to those who judge because you do not submit,
To a hollow substitute for grace so empty and counterfeit.
These vain people love to appear like they live in humility,
But their fascination with spiritual drivel is devoid of reality.

If you desire to grow in grace, mature like a Christian should,
Hold fast to God's Word, honor truth; stand like Jesus stood.
Remember the church like our body is dependent upon each part,
Always working to strengthen the whole, never working apart.

Therefore, if you belong to Christ, it's time to vacate human wisdom.
Do not be deceived by cultural thought or submit to asceticism.
All these things are attractive to man and seem so spiritually handy,
But they will fail you in the end as they did the good man Ghandi.

The danger here is the lack of discernment among so many believers.
Only scripture internalized can protect from these deceivers.
Eastern mystics contort and bend, perhaps even levitate,
Flee from them and their syncretic blend. Flee, do not hesitate.

Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone embrace
Adopting rules to earn redemption is a substitute for grace.
If Jesus, our Lord, you would see for all the eternal ages,
You will find instructions in the Bible, but not in the Yellow Pages.

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