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Philip the Deacon

by Albert Watson

Philips the name, I was chosen to serve tables.
But I tell you my friends when the Spirit enables.
There's a preaching of the word with wondrous signs,
Foul spirit's come out; men sit quiet, with sound minds
I one of the scattered from the Jerusalem area,
Chased out by one Saul, found myself in Samaria.
Crowds gathered around so eager to hear
Then I remembered Christ Jesus stayed near.
That Saviour declared 'my works you will do'
This was the day that I found His word true
So many people healed and made whole
Not just healing of bodies, but wholeness of soul
They rejoiced in that City saw many baptized
And the local sorcerer was greatly surprised.
He converted, asked 'if the power could be bought'
Admonished by Peter he became so distraught
Requested the apostles on his behalf to pray,
'I'm needing forgiveness for the things said today.'
Then told to go south, I though how odd,
But don't ever argue with an angel from God.
Observing a chariot, the Spirit said,' Go near.'
As I drew much closer, familiar words, I did hear
A black man was reading from the scroll of Isaiah
Then a request, 'My friend come up higher.
I do not understand all the things I here read,
Can you enlighten my mind,' he did plead
I could hardly believe the passage he was reading
Then I remembered the Spirit was leading.
A prophetic word about the death of a lamb.
I said, 'This is Jesus the Lord the I am.'
This man the treasurer of queen Candance's court,
Believed every word from the scriptures I taught
We journeyed on he spied water ahead.
'Why shouldn't I be baptized' this dear brother said
Coming out of the water, I then snatched away
That's why I'm preaching in Azotus today

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