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Monster in the Closet

by Sean Simpson

There it goes with that gleam in its eyes
Full of souls that it took by surprise
A crooked little smile crosses the monster's lips
As I get caught in its vice like grip

Sacrifices were made to sate its unquenchable thirst
Yet the gnashing of teeth caused my heart to burst
I scream, "There isn't much more that I have to give!"
As it strained what was left of me through a sieve

It screamed with a smile, "Choke boy choke!"
As it throttled me, a poor unsuspecting bloke
I struggled for my wits and dear life
As I was overcome by the malice and strife

But just when the monster thought I was dead
I fell to my knees and bowed my head
Asking for strength from on high
I stood and thundered a thunderous cry

"You will not destroy me!" I screamed
"For you see, my soul has been redeemed!"
The monster fell backwards and gave a roar
For the moment it had lost a battle in this war

But the monster knows the hearts of men
It knows that it can and will strike again
So it lurks and it plots and it schemes
For it knows my strengths, my defects, my dreams

I must always hold unto hope and believe
And ask for peace to receive a daily reprieve
Trying to remain ever mindful of my soul's saboteur
Remembering that behind every closet lurks a monster

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