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God's Plans

by Gertrude Jefferies

"I know the plans that I have for you.
There are glorious things to come!
Come and abide within my Presence
And enjoy each and every one.
Blessings of honour, blessings of love,
And blessings of friendship so true,
These are some of the wonderful things
That I have reserved for you.

I know the plans that I have for you
As our fellowship deeper grows.
As your faith expands more every day,
and your shaft of trust deeper goes.
Heights to climb that you never could reach,
trusting in your strength alone,
Depths of understanding and peace.
That without Me, could never be known.

I've plans that you will discover soon,
As my Word opens up to you.
Nuggets of truth that you will extract
From my treasures, as we commune.
Knowledge and wisdom from God above,
Equip you to spread my Word.
Sharing the message of peace and love
Until all the world has heard.

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