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Proverbs 27: Words to Live By

by George Cuff © 2016

Stop your boasting about tomorrow, all the great things you have planned,
For the knowledge of gain or sorrow has not been placed in your hands.

Let not praise for your achievement from your lips come forth,
It makes you look like a long-eared species related to a horse.

Faithful are the words of a friend even when hard to take
Far better than the kiss of a foe whose heart is cold as a snake.

Do not abandon your true comrade or he who befriended your dad.
In the day of unease and trouble, their friendship will make you glad.

Don't call your neighbor or shout aloud at the dawn's early light.
Such rude behavior stirs up anger and may even start a fight.

The sound of never-ending drips caused by a long, long rain
Is like the mate whose quarrelsome words create enduring pain.

When there are two with iron wills, we find they both improve.
Their skills and abilities are more focused as weaknesses are removed.

Sheol is Hades, the abode of the dead; Abaddon, a demon intensified.
Just like them the eyes of the selfish are never satisfied.

Crush a fool along with your grain employing mortar and pestle.
Though he may yelp while feeling the pain, he's still not a useful vessel.

Whoever you are responsible for, be sure you know their condition.
They need more than physical things; they need spiritual nutrition.

Material riches may not endure beyond their generation
But spiritual truth is eternal, so give them that foundation.

If you work hard; take care of your land, it will provide for your needs.
Whatever you do, pursue excellence in all of your labor and deeds.

The fruit of your labor, earnestly applied, will ensure a good supply.
There will be food enough for all and life will not pass you by.

These words of wisdom will create a life of fulfilling success.
Add them to your daily habit if such value you would possess.

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