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John 1:19-28: Who are You, John?

by George Cuff © 2016

John's ministry was so commanding, he soon came under review.
The priests and Levites came to him asking, "Tell us, who are you?"
With thunderous voice, outlandish dress, could he be Elijah?
A few among them may have thought he could be the Messiah.

"No," John said, but continued to preach with very great conviction.
His ministry involved an element of Messianic prediction.
Obviously unsatisfied they continued to press him harder.
"Who is this man of deep persuasion preaching with such ardor?"

"Are you the prophet?" He said "no." Then they asked again.
"Who are you, John? Why are you here and where have you been?
We must have an answer for the rulers, we must be in one accord?"
He replied, "I am a voice in the wilderness: prepare to meet the Lord."

It soon became clear that his questioners were distinguished Pharisees
Known for how they kept the Law, impressively scholarly.
"If you're not a prophet or the Christ, why the baptism response
Among those who follow you seeking a renaissance?"

"Baptism pictures repentance and cleansing, a message for all who hear it,
But there is One soon to come who will cleanse us by His Spirit.
He is the one who is important here; I'm unworthy to loose His sandals,
He is the One who will cleanse our soul, save us from sin and scandal."

All this took place beyond the Jordan where people streamed to John,
Needing forgiveness, requesting baptism, desiring their sin to be gone.
Unknown to John and all these people so burdened with sin's sorrow
God's Redeemer will be revealed when they gather on the morrow.

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