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Miracles Still Happen

by Ricahrd Hosea

Some people say that miracles are past
For them supernatural is too large and vast
They explain how the world is held in its place
By using some great magnetic force as its base.

Unbelievers fail to see the miracles all around
If they opened their eyes they'd see miracles are found!
So with eyes wide shut refusing to look,
Miracles pass by like a flowing brook.

Day after day great miracles grow
From acorn to tree and no one can know
How a dead little seed can grow so tall
Some try to explain it "its nature that's all".

There are many other miracles all around
The sun, and moon, and even flowers coming from the ground.
How can they say that miracles are not for today?
With the miracle of birth and its awesome array.

But the greatest miracle can ne'er be found
In plants and seeds nor in nature abound.
The greatest miracle takes place in man's heart
Where the God of love becomes a part.

I have seen these miracles and know they are true
Now I believe in miracles how about you?

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