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John 18: Part 1 - The Garden of Gethsemane

by George Cuff © 2016

Jesus was facing a horrible test as He entered the garden that night.
He needed time to commune with God before He entered the fight.
His inner circle "the chosen three" accompanied Him there to pray.
Burdened to the point of death He needed them there to stay.

He went a short way, fell on His face, and cried out in agony,
"O my Father, if possible, let this cup pass from me.
But if it must be, I'll carry the cross up the Judgment Hill;
All must happen not as I want but according to Your will."

He came to His friends seeking their help in this time of emotional pain.
Facing His death He found them asleep weary from all the strain.
So much like me with good intent, they failed to prevail in prayer.
In this time of horrific torment, their comfort was not there.

A second and then a third time too, Jesus repeated His prayer
Seeking endurance for what He would do and the agony He would bear.
Sweat drops of blood fell from His face; an angel ministered to Him.
Jesus arose to endure the cross with its terror so dark and grim.

About that time Judas arrived with officials and temple guard.
For a handful of silver the Lord he betrayed, willing His love to discard.
Peter, of course, with dreams of grandeur, flashed his sword to fight.
He aimed for the head but sliced off an ear of Malchus on that night.

Jesus told Peter to stand down and put his sword back in his belt.
He picked up the ear and healed the man from the injury he was dealt.
All the disciples ran away; fear filled their hearts and mind.
But Jesus did not resist arrest; He faced the mission assigned.

In the next poem we will see the Kangaroo court and trial,
The terrible acts of evil man and torture reserved for the vile.
We will see the acts of Pilate whose cowardice allowed them to kill.
We will see all Jesus endured on the way to Golgotha's hill.

It's hard for me to face Christ's death because of my personal guilt.
My sinful self would have pierced His heart up to the very hilt.
All of us who fooled themselves by declaring ourselves sin free
Knew within the depth of our hearts that we were also guilty.

But Jesus came to pay the price; the Spirit to convict of sin.
We repent and turn away from the person we had been.
We place our trust in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross.
Our fellowship with God is restored; we're free from eternal loss.

And now we celebrate the cross; without it we are condemned.
No longer controlled by sin's impulse; it's power the Spirit transcends.
A new creation we have been made transformed in spirit and mind,
Adopted into the Father's home, no longer spiritually blind.

For all these things we thank our God and celebrate Calvary
There on the cross salvation was won by the Man from Galilee.
O what grace was given that day when our redemption was won!
The hero that brought it here to stay is Jesus, God's glorious son.

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