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by Kyle Croft

Christmas, a time with so much going on,
Basketball, parties, and shopping.
It's easy to find ourselves chugging along,
Without ever listening or stopping.

There's so much to do, and yet not enough time,
To stop and enjoy this great season.
We're busy, we hurry and scurry and fly,
It's like we've forgotten the reason.

The Reason why shepherds sang out in the night,
And kings from afar came with treasure.
The Reason God's angels, a chorus of light,
Announced a small gift beyond measure.

Only one Christmas spirit has truly been felt,
By one of us Scrooge's on earth.
There is no magic feeling which inside us dwelt,
But the beauty of Jesus Christ's birth.

This world would do well to remember that day,
And stop trying to "get in the spirit",
There's a babe in a manger, who cries far away,
You just have to LISTEN to hear it.

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