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Just One Nail

by Deborah Ann Belka

One nail was all it took,
to crucify Christ that day
all it took was just one nail
for the crowd to get their way.

One nail was all it took,
for the people to begin to yell
"Crucify Him, Crucify Him"
put the hammer to that nail.

One nail was all it took,
for them to secure His fate
one large iron nail became
the spike of their distaste.

One nail was all it took,
as their voices soared
"Crucify Him, Crucify Him"
and so they nailed the Lord.

One nail was all it took,
though they used all three
but it took just that one nail
so all sinners could go free.

All it took was that first nail,
for the crowd to be satisfied
one nail was all it took . . .
for Jesus to be sacrificed!

Mark 15:13

"And they cried out again, Crucify him."

Mark 15:14

"And they cried out the more
exceedingly, Crucify him."

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