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Give and Take

by Belinda van Rensburg

I'd like to share this pearl of wisdom I have found with you
For through the years it became clear that it is indeed true
A wise old friend of years gone by sat down and talked to me
He said that not accepting help is life lived selfishly
That give and take is what is right; a balanced life is best
For the giver and receiver can then both be blessed.

Pride is something which quite often can get in the way
Of asking or accepting aid should we need it one day
It is difficult to ask for comfort and for prayer
For saying we are weak and much in need of help and care
But oh! the blessed relief when we've at last swallowed our pride
And find a brother or a sister standing at our side.

On the other hand there are those who are full of greed
Leeches who upon the goodness of their neighbors feed
Selfish souls beyond compare; those who do not care to share
From people such as these we should beware -
Take and take and take and take is all they seem to do
For them it's always 'me and me' and never ever 'you'.

Give and take and take and give is still by far the best
I'll pray for you and you for me and so we'll both be blessed
When you need me I'll be there; what I have we both can share
But be aware there might be times when I too stand in need of care -
Life is sometimes rough and tough but we're not on our own
We're members of God's family and therefore not alone.

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