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The Ultimate Sacrifice

by Magdalena Rodriguez © 2006

I can’t imagine the pain you felt within,
of sending your Son to give His life for our sin.
Yet you knew this plan must come to pass,
To redeem and conquer us from the enemy’s grasp.

You saw Him descend, transformed into man,
to come and inhabit this sinful land.
Prepared to endure the rejection of some,
you gave Him the strength to overcome.

You gazed from above to see what was done,
They mocked, and tortured your only Son.
Each time they flogged Jesus, you clenched your eyes,
Your heart was grieved and you cried deep inside.

Yet His love and obedience to fulfill your will,
He continued His journey with His cross up the hill.
His Spirit He surrendered on the cross where He hung,
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’ve done.”

The prophecy fulfilled of the ONE who’s to come,
Our battle is over, Redemption was won.
So I’ll take up my cross each given day,
Like your Son Jesus, I will walk in YOUR way.

This poem won first place for the April 2006 poetry contest

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