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My Last Moments with Mom

by Judy Harrell © 2008

The unconditional love and support you gave me whether I was right or wrong.
The way you made fun of Dad when he repeatedly sang that same old song.
The way you always scurried to whip up a special care package for me to take home;
and, you always wanted to say I love you last when we finished talking on the phone.

Your corny jokes and impish grin when you wanted to be silly.
Your sweet innocence, big blue eyes and timeless beauty.
Oh, Mom how I miss all those precious and silly things you used to do!
What I would not give just for one more moment to spend with you!

Though I was by your bedside silently weeping as you were slipping away,
What you were thinking and how you felt, you could not say.
How it tore my heart to shreds as I saw you silently suffer.
You knew He would take you home when you could no longer endure.

Towards the end with your last bit of strength you reached out to give me a hug
to let me know you will be safe in the arms of the One we often talked about and loved.
For He is the One who loved us first, of that I am sure.
In the hands of our precious Jesus you are safe and secure.

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